Home Buyer Resources

Why use a Realtor Buyer's Agent?

Article from National Association of Realtors (NAR).
12 Reasons to Utilize a Realtor.

Are you a first-time home buyer?
Should I buy or continue renting?  Check out this Rent vs. Buy calculator to help you figure out the answer to this important question.

Also, this Money 101 Lesson: Home Buying from CNNMoney.com is very informative for first-time and experienced buyers alike.

How will you pay for your home?
How much of a mortgage payment can I afford?  Find out the answer here.

Get information about obtaining a loan on MSN Money or LendingTree.  These are nationwide sites that will probably save you time going from bank to bank, but don't forget to consult your local banker, as well!  He or she may know your personal situation best and be able to provide the best service.

Information is power. 
Check out other financial tools, articles, and calculators here.  Order your credit report from AnnualCreditReport.com (the ONLY authorized source for the free annual credit report that's yours by law).

Do you have other questions about buying a home?
Other people do, too.  Check out this Home Buyer FAQ to see if yours have been answered:
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Homebuying FAQ

Are you looking for real estate in Queens or on Long Island?
Click here.