As part of the Summer 2010 Green Tech U program at the Chicago Center for Green Technology (CCGT), [1016] Architecture principals Josh Canale and Andrew Wilson, AIA, LEED AP will be presenting a lecture/discussion on their lastest green project entitled, "Designing Wrightwood Crossing."
Wrightwood Crossing is a LEED-registered multi-family residential project with a certification goal of platinum. Check out construction progress photos and videos here.
The program will touch on sustainable design ideas through the lens of the project case-study, including: practical application of the LEED for Homes rating system, infill development advantages, and specific systems used on the project. Participant questions will be emphasized and all are welcome.
Thursday, May 27, 2010 from 6 - 8 PM
445 N. Sacramento Blvd. (Between Lake and Chicago)
Chicago, IL 60612
For more information about the CCGT, check out their webpage here.
For full Summer 2010 program information about all "Green Tech U" events, click here. (.pdf file)
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That's great that you guys are presenting at the CCGT. I'm actually presenting a few days before you on the 25th. Good luck & let me know how it goes!