"Moody's Economy.com provided Forbes with a housing price forecast for the country's 40 largest metropolitan statistical areas (or metros)--geographic entities defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget for use in collecting statistics. The forecast predicts the percent change in home prices over one year, three years and five years, using data from the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index. In the MSAs for which Case Schiller does not publish numbers, Moody's used a weighted average of metropolitan divisions within those areas.Chicago, IL
Percentage Change:
1 Year, 2009: -16.31%
3 Year, 2009-2012: 1.49%
5 Year, 2009-2014: 14%"
Full Forbes story: click here.
So, on a metro area level, this calculation estimates that it will take five years for median home prices to get back to January 1, 2009 levels. Doesn't really sound exciting, but this is a macro indicator. Obviously, each property needs to be considered independently within this context. If you are in the market, your buyer's agent should be able to help you determine this. Check out this article with our Top Five Tips for selecting a buyers agent, if you aren't working with one already.
Price vs. Value
More importantly than price, however, is value. In other words: is any given purchase a good deal? or: Is the Chicago market still overheated?
Inside the Brackets

According to the New York Times, Chicago's historic norm for housing costs around 2.0 times median income. As of April 2009, this ratio sat at 2.5 according to this Interactive graph. The exact numbers are of relatively minor importance, the true meaning of the stat is the ratio.
What does this mean?
With an HP/MI at 2.5 in April, this meant housing prices would have to fall about 25% to get back to historic value levels (assuming negliegable income growth). If prices "only" fall the Moody's projected 16% this year, it means housing (in aggregate) still will not be as affordable as it usually is in Chicago.
So, even though Moody's projects a market price bottom in the next 12-24 months, value indicators like HP/MI may still indicate that prices are a little high historically. This only serves to reinforce the importance of evaluating the individual property and opportunity it presents within the market. In other words, even though prices are down, you can't just pick a house at random and get a great deal (a/k/a value).
What can you do?
During times like this, people who make careful purchases will come out ahead in the long-term. People who make careful purchases, as well as careful improvements to a property, will come out well ahead.
- Get a buyer's agent who knows your market to help you determine a home's real value.
- Invest wisely in properties where you can add value via appropriate improvements.
- Keep in mind that even though it's a buyers' market, it's still not like shooting fish in a barrel.
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